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Zoe Sodja" <zoe_sodja@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Vietnamese food
Message-Id: <n1371917083.87754@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

A woman in my office who follows Ornish said she went to a Vietnamese
restaurant and was very pleased because they didn't use much soy sauce, used
sugar & vinegar instead - & they sauteed the vegetables in vegetable broth
instead of oil. Evidently this is traditional. If so, that's good news. I'm
going to check it out. Anyone else heard anything about this?

Unfortunately this is not universally true.  The local Vietnamese place in
"Collegetown" offers one whole veggie item and it is made with fish sauce.
And they seem to use oil freely.  sigh.

Jan Gordon <jrg14@xxxxxxxxxxx>
 There is only one success--
         To be able to spend your life
                  In your own way.
