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Sourdough Starters

Sourdough "starter" can replace yeast in any bread, waffle, pancake,
etc. recipe.  The yeast you by in packages is dormant because there is
nothing for it to feed on (remember yeast is a living organism).
Starter on the other hand is yeast, flour, water and possibly something
sweet mixed together and allowed to mature.  There are sourdough
starters that belong to bakeries in Europe that are 250+ years old!  You
use some of the starter in your baking - then add more flour and water
to the remaining starter to feed the yeast and bring your starter volume
up to it's original level.  King Arthur Flour Co. has some great
sourdough starters and other sourdough specific stuff (cookbooks, etc.)
- you might want to check out their web site.  Good luck!

