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Lasagna and Weight Watchers

I've been doing WW veggie style since December, you have to ask for the
Vegetarian program-it has a more extensive veggie food choice list. 
Actually, I'm now on the Fat &Fiber program, and I find it much easier,
BUT, cheese has a lot of fat in it.  I changed over to the F&F because I
was losing so slowly, it really made a difference, but I have cut back
extensively on cheese and eggs.  WW should give you both programs with no
problem.  Good Luck!


>Weight Watchers:
>I am joining tonight w/ my sister.  I have about 15lbs. to lose, which
>everyone knows the last few lbs. you have to lose are the hardest, and I
>figure if I am paying for something I'll stick to it.  Anyhoo, are there
>any vegetarians out there who are doing WW?  I was looking thru the stuff,
>and I didn't see much in the way of vegetarianism.  I eat cheese and tofu
>but no eggs.
