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salad dressings in the pocket

There has been some discussion of getting packets of commercial salad
dressing.  I think it would be better to go to REI or some good outdoor
store, and buy some good containers to put your own salad dressings into.
The containers come in very small sizes, and some are designed to withstand
big changes in atmospheric pressure.  So you can be a little more sure that
they won't burst in your pocket/purse.  At any rate, even if they do burst,
your cleanup job won't involve anything greasy.  :-)


Ellen M. Sentovich			
Cadence Berkeley Laboratories	(510) 647-2807
2001 Addison Street, 3rd floor	(510) 486-0205 (FAX)
Berkeley, CA  94704-1103		ellens@xxxxxxxxxxx

