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portabello cleaning/ramen

I remove the stems (save for stock), scrape out and discard the dark gills,
wipe with a damp paper towel to clean (I have a mushroom brush but rarely
use it).  Everything about the gills gives me the creeps and when I scrape
them out, I'm happy with the color, flavor, sense of cleanliness.  I, too,
sometimes peel the top of the cap .. depends on how fussy and unhurried I'm

Hope this helps,

Re Ramen:  before newcomer Cynthia gets attacked for how high fat most
ramen packages are, there are low-fat, baked versions available :)   ..
there's a website for ramen recipes ... easy-to-adapt ideas to add
vegetables, etc.  I don't have it handy but a search will find it (I think
it's connected to Top Ramen .. try that).
