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TVP chunks in Canada

Willow said:
I'm a long-time vegetarian, but only recently began experimenting with
tofu, TVP, and the like.  While I've found the TVP granules without
trouble, I haven't been able to locate the "chunks".  I distinctly
remember having a veggie stirfry ages ago at a friend's that consisted
of large chunks of TVP (similar to chunks of ch**ken.)  Am I imagining
this?  Does anyone have a brand-name that I might look for, or, better
yet, know where these can be found in Vancouver, BC?

Hi Willow,

I don't know for sure about these sources in BC, but in Toronto I can
get these at the following sources:

1. Loblaws supermarkets sell So Soya brand TVP chunks for $3.99 a box
in the produce departments.  This is pricey compared to other sources
http://www.portello.com/soya.htm . I don't see a listing on their
website for sources outside of Ontario, but you could contact them to
ask about those who carry them in BC.

2. Most Asian food markets sell bags of TVP chunks in different
colours and sizes for a great price, usually a dollar a bag.  They may
call them soy fibre or vegetable fibre.  Some even sell the So Soya
brand in a bag for about a third of the price of the box at Loblaws.

3. Many vegetarian food stores will carry TVP in various sizes.

4. You can mail-order this from the States, at places like Dixie
Diner, but it will end up costing your much more than if you find it

My bet is that there are several Asian markets in Vancouver that carry
just what you are looking for and that major grocery chains in
neighborhoods with a higher Asian population will carry this, as well
as many other veggie items - at least it works that way here in The
Big Smoke.

Good luck,

Karen Lopez, I.S.P.
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