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Hey everyone!

This may sound stupid - but it is a big problem to me!  Just a year ago I 
became an Ovo-Vegetarian.  This really healped my health!  A lot of my 
allergies have gone away, and I feel like a better person on the inside.  
Anyways, that's not my problem.  The past 3 months, I have been getting 
terrible stomach pain that is followed by something else.....you know what 
i'm talking about......whenever I eat something.  No matter what it is.  
IWell, the only time it doesn't do this is when I eat plain salad and 
spaghetti.  But I went to my doctor and he said it's lactose intollerance.  
But this happens when I eat anything!  So I decided I am doing a "detox" of 
the "refined whatevers" that are in me.  No processed foods what-so-ever!

Does anyone have any good ideas of foods and or recipes I should try that do 
not contain DAIRY, but do have protein in them.  I'm a gymnast and my coach 
suggests a diet that has high protein, moderate carbs, and low fat.
