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>From: Allen & Marilyn <ALLENMARILYNCLONINGER@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>diet she gave me is very similiar to the one recommended by McDougall.
>What should I expect from following such a diet?   Is it difficult to
>eliminate the excess fat and sugar?   I have been following a near vegan
>diet for three years.


I also have IBS. Just so you know, McDougall's program doesn't fix all the
problems with IBS, although it certainly helps. I still can't eat something
with much garlic without having an attack.  I also still have problems with
white potatoes.

The trick to dealing with IBS (besides trying to stick to a fatfree diet) is
to find out which foods set you off, and then trying to figure out with your
limits are. I can have a small amount of potato every once in a while and be

In answer to your other question, I find it much easier to give up the fat
rather than the sugar. One thing that has helped me a lot is cereal. I love
cereal, and so I get a big bowl of puffed grains, ff vanilla soy or rice
milk, and a spoonful of brown rice malt, and mix it up. I've also done
something similar with hot grains (left-over brown rice is good), raisins,
brown rice malt, with my "milk." It's not as horrible for you as eating
something loaded with white sugar, and I find it pretty satisfying.

Good luck.

