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RE: FATFREE Digest V98 #333

	Kathleen -- I hate to be the one to break the news to you but in
addition to leaving out the cayenne, you may want to omit the chicken broth
in this recipie as this is a VEGETARIAN listing.  Just a thought.

	- Joanne Acri

> We had this for dinner last night.  I cooked the squash a few days ago.
> My
> husband says he doesn't like squash, but he likes this.  I will definitely
> leave out the cayenne.  He can add his at the table!
> Kathleen
>   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
> --------  ------------  --------------------------------
>    1 1/2  pounds        butternut squash -- cooked
>    1      tablespoon    sherry
>    2      cloves        garlic -- minced
>    1                    onion -- finely chopped
>    1      tablespoon    curry powder
>      1/2  teaspoon      ground cumin
>      1/8  teaspoon      cayenne -- optional
>                         salt and pepper -- to taste
>    3      cups          chicken broth
