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Falafel, F-F junque, Fantastic Foods website

OK, after months of reading, I give in!  Just when I thought it MUST be
impossible to make lowfat falafel, someone makes a post about their
wonderful falafel!!!!!  Please elaborate on how you do this, so I can
REALLY enjoy one of my favorite foods!

Also, I'd appreciate any suggestions for filling, nutritious, calorific,
f-f "junque" for my husband to snack on at work.  He gets hungry and
wants CALORIES (i.e., an apple won't cut it), and is ready to give up his
candybars if I can provide something equally compelling.  Cookies, bars,
perhaps?  Vegan preferred but not required.

Lastly, I found the Fantastic Foods web page:

For anybody who doesn't know how to find something like this, it's EASY: 
go to any search engine (e.g., www.excite.com) and search for fantastic +
foods (or whatever it is you're looking for).

Thanks for everybody's help ~

