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Re: FATFREE Digest V97 #172

For a change of pace, y'all might enjoy Loma Linda's Chicken Supreme. 
Of couse there is no m**t in it at all.

They recommend it as a loaf.  At our house we put in slightly less water
than they recommend, then let it sit in the 'fridge for about 1/2 hour.

Then we "fry" or bake 'em up as croquettes.  Although the package
doesn't not specifically say so, I believe they're vegan.

D-licious!, very low in fat (less than one gram if you make four or five
croquettes) if only the dry ingredients are used (and that's all you

If you find that they're a litle too runny, don't worry, they'll firm up
or you can use matzoh meal as a filler (or maybe even oatmeal).

