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misc. things

Sylvia wrote about her love of chocolate (a personal weakness of mine as 
well).  These are not perfect solutions, but when I get a chocolate craving, 
I rely on two things:  Health Valley's chocolate sandwich bars (with various 
kinds of "creme" filling) and Sweet Nothings fudge bars.  The chocolate bars 
are higher in fiber than most fatfree brownies and other sweets, so they 
tend to fill me up more.  The Sweet Nothings fudge bars are fatfree and 
non-dairy (sweetened with fruit juice and brown rice syrup) plus their 
consistency is very close to the real thing.  I got them at Fresh Fields.

Regarding Creme It from Dixie Diner's Club--it's interesting that the 
marketing guy from Dixie claimed it was fatfree since the label says it has 
.5 g of fat per 1 1/2 Tbl. serving.  Sorry, I haven't done much with it yet, 
so I can't give its taste or usefulness a thumbs up or down.
