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mince meat sub

The other day, someone posted a subsitute for mince meat pie, saying to
sterilize it in canning jars and then place in pastry. I need to know if
this part is really necessary. Do you NEED to boil in canning jars, or can
you just follow the recipe until that point? I'm not a preserving person, I
don't want to buy canning jars and be scared they're going to explode on
my stove.

Or does someone have another recipe?

Also, just had my first experience with portabella mushrooms. I wasn't 
thrilled. Cut into strips and stir fried with veggies and added rice
and a bit of veggie stock. Anyone have more suggestions? Can e-mail me
privately, since I know this must be a boring topic by now, but I'm new
to this mushroom thing.


Susan Scatena "HolliSue"
Queens Library
Hollis, NY
