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cranberry-pear-compote recipe

Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 21:42:53 -0500 (EST)
From: "Elizabeth J. Rowe" (erowe02@emory.edu)

cranberry-pear compote

I just made this recipe up...I guess I can't wait for Thanksgiving.

a handful of fresh cranberries, washed and cut in half
1 pear
about 1/2 c. water
a small piece of candied ginger
half a cinnamon stick
about 1/2 tsp. honey

Mix all ingredients together in a pot and cook on medium low heat until
cranberries are softened.  You can delete the honey and certainly change
the spices.  I plan to eat on top of a sweet potato, but you could just
eat it by itself or with fatfree yogurt, etc.  Serves one.

kwhoney honey