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tomato-garlic-spread recipe

Date:    Thu, 03 Mar 94 09:07:54 PST
 From:    Jacqui Lynch (jacquil@henson.cc.wwu.edu)
 		8 oz Philadelphia Free Cream Cheese
 		Fresh chopped basil to taste (I used approx. 1/2 cup)
 		2-3 garlic cloves, minced
 		6-10 sun-dried tomatoes
 	Place the sun-dried tomatoes in a bowl, cover with hot water, and
 let soak for 10-15 min.  Drain and pat dry, then cut the tomatoes into
 strips or chunks.  Mix everything together vigorously (the cream cheese
 turns a lovely pink color).  Let the mixture rest in the fridge for a
 couple of hours if you want a firmer spread.  This spread is wonderful on
 toasted garlic bagels.
 kwlacto lacto