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curry-black-eyed-peas recipe

Date: Fri, 26 May 95 10:52:57 EDT
 From: paul.barker@tcs.wap.org (Paul Barker)
 Curried Black-Eyed Peas
 4 or 5 onions, cut into large chunks (I use eighths)
 2 or 3 carrots, sliced thin
 1 bell pepper, sliced or diced
 2 Tbsp curry powder
 1 16-oz. can black-eyed peas, drained
 In a large skillet saute the onions, carrots, pepper, and curry powder.  Stir
 and add enough water to prevent burning but not so much that the vegetables are
 excessively steamed.  Dump the black-eyed peas on top; fluff and serve when the
 black-eyed peas have been heated.  This dish is good with rice, almost any kind
 of fruit, or by itself.  Experiment with different veggies and amounts of curry
 powder, but the onions and black-eyed peas are what make it.  Enjoy!
 kwvegan vegan