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Re:potato toppings

And there I was... poised to suggest sweetcorn as a potato topping... still
leaves it a bit dry tho - haven't seen vegan ff dressings/marge/mayo in the
good old UK so if anyone knows of any, gissa bell please!



-----Original Message-----
From: Carolyn Davis <carodavi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: fatfree-request@xxxxxxxxxxx <fatfree-request@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: fatfree@xxxxxxxxxxx <fatfree@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 30 May 2000 15:23
Subject: Re: FATFREE Digest V00 #149

>re. baked potato toppings
>I love to put a nice salsa on baked potatos, as well as hot peppers, and
>fat-free cottage cheese (though I realize this will not satisfy the
>vegan request - is there something similar for vegans?), and also
>something like a few black beans or kidney beans. This is v. filling!
>ps. does anyone know - I have heard that to eat corn and potatos in the
>same meal is a bad idea, since it creates a starch very difficult to
>digest properly - myth?