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Re: Another NYC restaurant for Jan

Risa Horowitz wrote:
> Before I travel (anywhere) I check out the World Guide to Vegetarianism:
> http://www.veg.org/veg/Guide/.

Fair warning, last I checked, the World Guide hadn't been updated since
1996.  There are a lot of restaurants in the guide that don't exist
anymore, and a lot of good restaurants that have sprung up since then
that they don't list.

As for restaurants, I second the suggestion to your husband to go into
Manhattan.  There's a macrobiotic place on either York Ave. or First
Ave, just south of 79th street, called The Plum Tree , that isn't bad. 
There's another restaurant whose name I don't know, up on 86th St.
between (I think) 2nd and 3rd Ave, it's part of a health food store, has
great veggie food.  NYC is second only to the San Francisco area for veg
food, in my mind!  My husband and I never starve when we go down to the
city to visit... :)

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