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New to this FF Posting

Hi!, Through one of your members, I have "come onboard".  Can't believe all
the exciting recipes and conversations.  I have been on a food program for
four and a half years and released 62 pounds, but gained back 15 over the
four years.  On this program I do not eat sugar nor white flour.  Now I
have osteoarthritis and all the books say to not eat:  nightshade
vegetables (which include potatoes and green peppers), sugar, caffeine,
whole wheat, dairy products, etc.  They do say to take flaxseed oil daily
and I take the Barlean brand which has borage (high lingnan) and it tastes
pretty good).  I am slowly trying to get off the dairy products.  I am
going for my graduate degree, so don't have a lot of time for cooking, so
after reading your recipes, I dragged out the old crockpot and cleaned it
up and went overboard cooking rice and beans. They used up all the liquid
and nearly ran out of the pot!!  So I learned from that!  But at least I
have those to eat during the week for dinner without doing a lot of
cooking.  We eat fresh vegetables with it.  So much to learn, so please
keep sharing.  I have released 3 pounds since I started this new way of
life.    Judy in AZ       judyandjim@xxxxxxxxxxx
